Message From Chairman

As OBJEKT, we have been applying it without compromising the principles that we have determined since 2004, and as a result, we continue to grow and grow each year.

It succeeded to become a brand that progresses step by step in the sectors it continues to exist with the quality brought by the care and diligence in the IT, construction and auction projects it has realized in a short time.

In the context of sectoral diversity; renewable energy production, petroleum, food, informatics, real estate development. In addition to this, we have good knowledge and experience in public and private tenders, privatizations, partnerships, natural gas, energy and contracting projects.

The biggest strength in our activities is our expert staff, professional experience, and financial capability. I fully believe in our technical and administrative staff capable of competing in the global environment. I’m sure now that Turkey is the entrepreneurial spirit of the people, we are able to complete all projects that can overcome all kinds of difficulties.

We will continue to increase our competitiveness by strengthening further through continuous improvement, giving priority to innovation and long-term investments. In the global environment, we will continue to create value for our country and employees among our construction IT and energy projects.

I would like to thank all our employees, partners, customers, support for our success and their trust in us.